Monday, January 16, 2012

Solar power

Solar power is a good alternate source of energy. it is also, renewable. But it is very expensive and only when it is sunny you get energy at night it does not work. Building it causes pollution but once it is built it does not cause pollution.

Hydro Power

Using Hydro Power is a safe alternative for lighting and heating our homes and businesses. Harnessing water for power is a lot less harmful than using coal and gasses. Hydro power should replace all environmentally harmful sources of electricity and power and we should sell our harmful resources to Europe and the U.S so they have to suffer the pollution and not Canada.


Hydropower converts the natural flow of water into electricity to light our homes and power our industries. Some benefits are that you can create energy in seconds and its renewable. Some drawbacks are that is interrupts the natural flow of the river and expensive to make a dam.



Hydropower! It's renewable, clean, easy to maintain and creates energy on demand. These also help to control floods and bring tourism the location; 1/4 of the world's energy come from hydropower. However, these can effect river flows and if there is a drought, it can effect the hydropower getting its energy.

solar energy


uses land
cant store energy


makes energy

Solar Energy

It is a renewable energy, does not pollute to the air and creates energy. However, it costs a lot at the beginning when people build it. Also, it produces limit amount energy and it takes a lot of space.

Acid Rain

This forest has been partly destroyed by acid rain. Many plants and animal's environments are destroyed or disrupted by acid rain.

Wind Energy

Wind energy is good because it is renewable and there is no pollution. They take up a lot of space and are intermittent. Some people don't like it because they don't look nice and they make a "hum" sound. One more drawback is that they are expensive to make.

Acid Rain

Acid rain eats away at statues and kills forests. Acid rain causes acidification of lakes and streams and contributes to the damage of trees at high elevations

hyrdo enenergy

This dam is a large piece of cement blocking off the river. This resource is Renewable, because all the water in the world is always going around. IT is clean with no pollution and you can always have the energy on demand the only draw back is that there is a limited amount of rivers and it effects the river flow. meaning the life for fishes that go through or minerals can be altered.

by kevin fetterley


Solar panels have many benefits; including that solar energy is both sustainable and renewable. In addition solar panels require little maintenance.
disadvantages include that solar panels require a lot of space too take up also the panels can only be useful while it is sunny outside

Hy 2 drogen

This is a diagram of the steps needed to create Hydrogen. Hydrogen is a new alternative energy which has much potential. It can create abundant amounts of electricity and be used as fuel for vehicles. It is great because unlike many renewable energy sources, it can be stored. Furthermore, it is extremely clean as the only emission it creates is water vapour! Nevertheless, people are very hesitant of this technology as it is yet to be fully developed. It is also very explosive, and it does need to be extracted from another source.

Wind Powa

Wind power is a renewable source of energy and is very clean, but it takes up a lot of space and has intermittent periods when it's actually producing power.


Hydropower is renewable, abundant, it also creates 1/4 of the world's energy, it is power on demand, and good for tourism. The drawbacks are that damming rivers effects river flow, and if there is a drought it can effect the hydropower.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell

The benefits of hydrogen fuel cells are that they create no pollution, while creating energy, and the fact that hydrogen is an abundant resource worldwide. The disadvantages of hydrogen is that it is highly flammable, and expensive at first. Another disadvantage is that the technology for hydrogen fuel cells is also not completely there yet.

Alternative Energy Sources

Hydro energy involves water. It's a good alternative energy source because the water cycle makes it renewable, and it is easy to maintain. The dam can be opened at any time, which gives you power on demand as well as a reservoir of water. A dam can also be a tourist attraction. Drawbacks include pollution (from constructing the dam) and the depletion of salmon and other fish.

Alternative energy

Geothermal energy is a clean source of energy produced from thermal hotspots deep in the ground that convert water into steam which is used to power turbines above ground. Although this is clean fuel the sources are limited and their is a small amount of noise pollution.

Solar power

Solar energy is good because it is renewable, and abundant, The drawbacks includes there is not always sunlight and cannot be used to power entire cities.

Solar Power

The basic benefit of using solar panels to produce energy is that it is a renewable source. Solar panels are also easily maintained. Once they are brought up to maximum efficiency
there is little else to do to ensure they are in working order. They are also completely silent. However, there are also some drawbacks in using solar powered energy. The main drawback is the cost of the panels. Another one is the amount of space that it would take to install enough panels to provide an efficient source of electricity. Solar powered energy is also intermittent because it can only be used when the sun is shining. Therefore at night, or even on cloudy days, solar panels will prove useless in producing electricity.